Brainstorming Hexes

I’ve been having a good time activating my imagination by coming up with locations for each hex of my Hexcrawl Map. As usual, I do all the drawing in OneNote; I’m using Google Docs for the text. There’s a chart at the top of the doc listing all the hexes with their numbers, and each keyed number is hyperlinked to the description further down in the doc. I’m also putting the hex numbers in red in each hex, also with a hyperlink to the description in the document. The colors on the chart indicate the terrain type. I think this will make it easy for me to determine what goes where without too much trouble while playing.

A table showing hex numbers in color-coded cells, corresponding to locations on the hex map.  A small portion of the actual map is inset in the bottom right of the image, showing the hex numbers for keyed locations.

I have at least one keyed location in every row and column, with 27 keyed hexes so far, and over a dozen brainstormed (hairbrained) ideas to add in. I’m keeping a separate list of possible locations that I add to as inspiration hits, and add them to the map on a whim. I’m not worrying too much about what goes where right now, just letting the creative juices flow. I’ll add some rumors and additional information as I go along.

I’m including a couple “greenstone” constructions – large statues or structures made from a single piece of green and grey stone, looking like granite or marble. I was including this idea in my Worldbuilding exercise, and I really like it as a campaign theme.

One of my favorite locations is the creature chained to the ground with an imprisonment spell. I’m not sure what creature it will be, but I’m imagining it as something big and impressive, and probably dangerous.

I hope I get to DM a hexcrawl on this map at some point!

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